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Well Being Wednesday

Fruity faces!

Today Oak class explored how we were all special! We discussed the similarities and differences we have on our faces. We then used different fruits to make our face. It was a bit sticky, but we were great at cutting carefully. It also tasted delicious!


Planting Spring Bulbs

As part of our well-being work the children have been working outdoors with Katie, our Parent Governor to plant a wide variety of bulbs in time for Spring. 

Yoga in Foundation and Key Stage 1

Wellbeing Wednesday 


Our calming colouring session with soothing music on is our time in Nursery to create calming energy and focus on our wellbeing. 

Teddy Bear Breaths

This week in nursery for Well Being Wednesday we had a go at breathing techniques using our teddy bears. We squeezed our bear when did a big breath in and let go of our bear when we breathed out. We are going to be calm yogi bears in no time! 

Peaceful Penguins

Peaceful Penguins is one of our lovely sessions we do together in nursery as a group on Well being Wednesday. We hold our penguin egg very gently while listening to calming music and quietly moving our bodies slowly pretending we are all penguins looking after our egg. We end the session kindly saying something nice to one of our friends as we hand them over our egg. 

Wellbeing at Westwood

Affirmation stones

This week the children in Nursey made biscuits. During this time the children communicated with each other, talked about what made them happy, took turns and learnt about the importance of sharing.

Sharing and caring for each other

Our nursery children read the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ and talked about how kind it is to share and look after each other. The children then all made friendship bead bracelets for each other and talked about being kind, looking after each other and looking after ourselves. 

Yoga Fun in Nursery!


Each week Nursery take part in Well-Being Wednesday. The children enjoy circle times, story times and calming exercises such as Yoga.

In our Key Stage 1 assembly we have read the story ‘Sharing a Shell’. The children had a discussion about being kind and we have made promises to look out for each other, sharing examples of how we can demonstrate kindness.

Well-Being in Reception Class

This week the Reception and Key Stage One children have enjoyed reading The Tell-Me Tree. This lovely book placed a real emphasis on mental health and well-being. After we had shared the book we discussed our feelings and what made us happy. The children identified happiness as being family, friends and school to name but a few.

Well-Being in Reception


In Reception we have been doing lots of work around friendships and being kind. Teamwork is very important and our children are fantastic at looking after and supporting each other. We are working hard to improve our well-being by doing weekly yoga on a Wednesday and having lots of talking time where we share our feelings and thoughts. 

Well-Being Wednesday - Yoga

This week the Reception children have been planting sunflower seeds as part of our Well-being Wednesday. As Mr Leary’s class had already done this, we asked the older children to work with the Reception children and show them what to do. The children worked really well together, lots of brilliant collaborative learning!

Wellbeing in Years 1 and 2

As part of our focus on mental health and wellbeing, activities undertaken during Well Being Wednesdays have a particular focus on dealing with our emotional resilience and how to deal with problems that affect us mentally.


In our first few sessions, we have looked at being grateful for the things we have and looking on the bright side of things as opposed to focus on what we don't have or the things we feel we may be missing. Through discussions and group debates, we have been able to find silver linings in different scenarios which has taught us a lot about being mentally prepared for the situations we may face.


We have also introduced a class worry box to allow children to write down anything that may be worrying them. This can then be bought up and discussed as a group during our wellness circle time. This has been well received by the children, knowing they can have their worries discussed without fear of asking in front of their peers.


Future activities include yoga, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
