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Teaching of Art


At Westwood Infant School Art is an important part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Our Art curriculum stimulates imagination and creativity and we encourage children to think and work independently, with the influence of a rage of past and modern day artists. Work in Art is usually linked to our Topic for the term and is displayed in classrooms. 

In the Early Years our children  independently explore Art through the provision with opportunities to explore colour, texture and design whilst practising techniques using a variety of tools. Children are encouraged to develop their own ideas, applying skills taught during adult led activities and group times. We teach Art through the Expressive Arts and Design strand of the development matters document. 

In Key Stage One, Art is taught weekly through painting, print making, collage, drawing, sculpture and construction. We follow the National curriculum for Art and have carefully planned skill progression to ensure skills needed are developed as the children progress through school.

Art exploration in the classroom


Local Artist

Our children had the opportunity to work on 'sculpture' with a local artist called Tan. 

Examples of work

Self portraits

Watercolour painting

Using Clay

In Reception and Year 1 we celebrated Diwali by making Diva lamps and decorating them.

Colour Mixing

Useful Links
