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Nursery 2023-2024

Welcome to Nursery


Hello and welcome to the Nursery page.

We are the 2, 3 and 4 year old children at our school. We learn and play altogether in our Early Years Unit. We have lots of time each day to explore and play but we also learn nursery rhymes, numbers, fine motor skills and have lots of story times. 


Nursery children come for 15 hours a week within a morning or afternoon session but sometimes stay all day as we offer day care sessions which you can pay for as extra.

We also offer 30 hour funded places. 

To check if you are eligible for these hours please visit - 


If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit for your child, please contact the school office. We are more than happy to arrange a visit. 


Mrs Herbert, Miss Vernon and Miss Clifford 

Books, Books, Books!

The links below show the focus books we will be reading and learning about in Nursery over the selected terms. Please join in with us by reading the texts and watching the link at home with your child. 

Library Lodge!

Nursery really enjoyed going to the Library Lodge today! We chose our own books, and enjoyed looking at them in small groups with an adult. The sunshine provided a great atmosphere and we loved exploring the different kinds of books! These will be ours to take home, and bring back each week to change!

Making playdough


Children In Need

Making Chocolate Playdough

National Bird Watching Week

Making patterns
