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Curriculum Progression Documents

Planting Seeds to Help Little Minds Grow...


Our Intent


Our curriculum has been created with our children, families and community in mind. 

At Westwood Infant and Nursery School we pride ourselves on conducting an inclusive, fun and engaging curriculum that promotes independence and is enhanced through trips, visits, visitors and experiences.


Our aim is to create a school in which our children feel happy, safe and cared for. Our nurturing values are clear through our school slogan

'Planting Seeds to Help Little Minds Grow'

Staff work hard to build confidence and resilience amongst our young children leading to creating independent learners and inquisitive minds.


We have a whole school topic based approach to teaching that provides a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that there is a clear progression across all subjects to enable staff to build on prior knowledge and identify next steps.


At Westwood Infant and Nursery School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 

Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our SEND policy via the document below.


Our Curriculum Drivers


Our three key drivers are personal to our school and underpin everything we do.  



From starting in Nursery through to year two we encourage the children to take ownership of their learning and be curious, confident and resilient children.



We believe that learning is most meaningful and memorable when children are provided with real life experiences. We plan as many real life experiences in each topic as we can, including real artefacts,  visitors, off site visits and trips. Experiences also take place in the classroom through baking, food tasting, theme days and well resourced lessons.



Through our curriculum and daily school life we actively promote tolerance and diversity. Our children work collaboratively throughout school and demonstrate respect and encouragement to one another.


Below are our curriculum overviews for each year group.



Our English Lead is Miss Woodcock


Across the school we follow 'Read Write Inc' which supports children within their reading and writing development.

We also use Read Write Inc for our phonics teaching which is DfE validated and supports children's understanding of sounds as well as developing their phonic knowledge. If you would like any further support with supporting your child at home with phonics please speak with a member of staff. 



Our Music Lead is Mrs Herbert


Music is taught directly each Tuesday morning by our experienced music co-ordinator Daniel. Music is taught from Nursery through to Year Two and incorporates use of musical instruments, online learning using Purple Mash and through whole class work.

Children are also provided with the opportunity to attend Music Club which takes place each Tuesday lunch time in our outdoor Music area.


Please click on the link below to be taken to our Music page.

Physical Education


Our P.E Lead is Miss Bower


Each Tuesday morning children from Nursery through to Year Two take part in a P.E session with Luke, learning various alternative sports including Archery and Fencing.


Each Tuesday afternoon children take part in a P.E session with Daniel. Daniel's sessions focus on Gymnastics, movement, dance and outdoor sports.


We offer an after school PE club with Daniel each Tuesday. This is a free club for children to attend to enjoy physical activities.



Our Geography Lead is Miss Taylor


Where possible our Geography teaching builds upon child knowledge, therefore our teaching consists of exploring local surroundings. We  incorporate this with educational visits and visitors into school to provide children with a broad range of experiences. 



Our History Lead is Miss Taylor


At Westwood Infant School History is planned to stimulate curiosity, interest and awareness of the past and how it is different from the present. We aim to enable children to ask insightful questions, establish a sense of chronology and develop a sense of identity and where they belong in time.




Our Science Lead is Miss Bower


Science is taught through practical experiments and investigations. We believe children learn most when they are curious and have the opportunities for hands on learning. 



Our Mathematics Lead is Miss Woodcock


As a whole school we follow 'White Rose Maths' scheme. This incorporates lots of problem solving and reasoning skills. We also use Numicon to ensure all children are able to access the curriculum through the use of resources. 



Our ICT Lead is Miss Woodcock


ICT is taught in KS1 on a weekly basis each Monday afternoon, following the NCCE scheme. ICT is also taught across the curriculum and incorporated into lessons wherever possible to provide children with opportunities to apply their skills.

Children access a range of ICT including laptops, ipads, cameras, Interactive White Boards and also Beebots/Bluebots. 



Our PSHE Lead is Miss Taylor


Regular circle times and discussion groups contribute to well-being and ensuring that children feel safe, confident and happy within school. As a school we take part in

Well-Being Wednesday each week to provide opportunities for discussion, reflection and calming activities including mindfulness and yoga. Our children's well-being is incredibly important to us and we work hard to ensure that they are supported, feel safe and happy within the school environment.



Art and Design


Our Art and Design Lead is Mrs Herbert


Art and Design is taught across the curriculum with a high importance on Art and Mindfulness during our Well Being Wednesday each week.

We also offer Art and Craft After School Club each Thursday that is available for all children within school.

Religious Education


Our Religious Education Lead is Miss Woodcock


Religious Education is embedded across school throughout each day through our nurturing and supportive school ethos, along with a direct teach on a weekly basis. Children are taught following the Nottinghamshire agreed Syllabus, teaching mutual respect and appreciation. 
We have established links with St Mary’s Church in Jacksdale and predominantly teach Christianity across school. We also celebrate festivals including Diwali, Chinese New Year and focus on religions including Buddhism and Judaism.

Design and Technology 


Our Design and Technology Lead is Miss Bower


Design and technology is a school subject that explores designing and making products that solve problems, and then evaluating how successful the results are.

Design and Technology develops children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. It encourages children's creativity and encourages them to think about important issues.

For our end of year results, over the past three years, please click on the document below. 

Online Games and Activities

If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.
