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Geography is taught on a weekly basis throughout a designated half term. In the Foundation Stage, it is incorporated into the Understanding of the World provision. Children are encouraged to develop their enquiry skills by finding out more about communities, people and places. In Key Stage 1 the children move onto fieldwork, investigating our local area and studying geographical skills further afield as we look at oceans and continents as part of our curriculum. In Key Stage 1 we follow the National Curriculum for Geography.


Our children develop a range of skills throughout the Geography curriculum which include locational knowledge, geographical skills and fieldwork and place knowledge. 

Exploring globes, atlases and maps

Explorers Club

As part of our History curriculum at Westwood, we have created an Explorers club! This will focus on the past and our wider world. We share this with History. For our Geography focus we have explored Islands, the globe and Volcanos! 

We also place a huge emphasis on being environmentally friendly and encourage the children to look after our school and surrounding area. We have a designated Eco Area where our children can work together to maintain and improve our environment.

Our Eco Area

Examples of Geography

The Primary National Curriculum for Geography 
